Description de Strelitzia reginae. Family: Strelitziaceae (Strelitzia or Crane flower family). Prefers a light to medium well-drained soil in a protected partially shaded position, drought and frost tender. UNE PLANTE PROCHE: STRELITZIA REGINAE CULTURE: Bananeraie En pot ou en pleine terre, Germination. Too much water or not enough light. Derek Keats/CC BY 2.0/Flickr. This is the common Strelitzia reginae type of plant that most of us know. Although still not ideal, for indoors, this plant looks pretty darn good. It belongs to the plant family Strelitziaceae. Strelitzia nicolai leaves. Thanks so much! Rock Texture Photoshop, Strelitiz reginae '' Mandela's Gold' is a form with yellow flowers. This is often accompanied by thin and long petioles which cannot support the weight, and bow down. A bonus is that the leaves won’t fall into your pool water. It's got two stories to grow into before we have to worry. Qualités : Plus rare que les autres. starting from £59.95. Well what do you do w/ one that is too big?The room I have it in is about 16' tall & it is not that tall but it is arching over too much.Nic is in front of an East 12' window. Out of this emerges two erect points that are the petals, surrounded by a fan of sepals (the petals’ protector), making the flower look like a bird’s spectacular plumage. Ses pétioles de 0,50 à 1 m de long porte des feuilles oblongues mesurant jusqu’à 50 cm de long. Strelitzia reginae normal (à droite), cultivar ‘Mandela’s Gold’ ... Une autre espèce parfois offerte est l’oiseau du paradis géant (S. nicolai), une plante beaucoup plus grande avec des feuilles qui mesurent jusqu’à 2 m de haut et qui sont découpées comme celles d’un bananier. There are five main species and varieties, although only Strelitzia Reginae and Strelitzia Nicolai are treated as houseplants. Pembayaran mudah, pengiriman cepat & bisa cicil 0%. / "we-are-not-amused" sense. They are white and mauve, and one flower spathe sprouts out of another, which gives them a double-decker appearance. Ce genre comprend 5 espèces. This is the common Strelitzia reginae type of plant that most of us know. So, I'm not going after "queen" in the "off with their heads!" Enjoy them as much as you can, but know the realities that they may suffer long term. 64,99 € Détails Acheter . VERY, VERY TROPICAL!". CARE: Mulch and water regularly until the plant is established, usually around 12 weeks. Diese südafrikanische Art wird selten in tropischen Parks und großen Gärten als Zierpflanze verwendet. The inflorescence is composed of a dark blue bract, white sepals, and a bluish-purple "tongue". Rainbow Henna Australia, Merci Sachant qu’il a hiverné dans une pièce non chauffée et lumineuse, aurait-il fallu vaporiser un peu les feuilles en hiver ? All plants are grown by propagating divisions from large excavated clumps. In fact, I'm pretty sure we disagreed about a lot of stuff, which was additional incentive not to discuss anything that didn't relate pretty directly to plants. Costa Farms White Bird of Paradise Strelitzia nicolai, Indoor Plant in Décor Planter, 28-Inches Tall, Fresh from Our Farm 4.3 out of 5 stars 593 $55.99 $ 55 . Strelitzia reginae has leaves that look like boat paddles, S. nicolai has leaves like a banana tree, while the leaves of S. juncea are curled around the stem so they look like skinny sticks. The large Leaves are in 2 opposite vertical rows and are sheathing at the base. Strelitzia nicolai, commonly known as Giant Bird of Paradise sums up this immense plant. Would like to know when and how is best to do this... more tips? APPEARANCE: Super sized clumping plant with large fronds and deep purple flowers featuring white centres. Strelitzia nicolai - giant bird of paradise. Celles-ci émergent d’une spathe et s’apparentent à une tête d’oiseau. Splotches over leaf surface: if you recently moved your plant to a sunnier spot without slowly acclimating it first, it may have received sun scorch. Strelitzia / s t r ɛ ˈ l ɪ t s i ə / is a genus of five species of perennial plants, native to South Africa.It belongs to the plant family Strelitziaceae. Plant in rich, acidic, free-draining soil, water when required and give it slow-release fertiliser in spring and summer. Reginae vs Nicolai varieties. We get them pretty harsh here. Acclimate it to some direct light. So long as there isn't discolouration, it's perfectly normal. There's nothing particularly hard-to-please about the Strelitzia clan. Just because you have a plant to offer doesn't mean they have a spot for it. Statistics. You can even grow them in pots. Success rate is about 95%, and most plants flower within 9 months. Height – 3 to 6 ½ feet (1 to 2 meters) Exposure – … Do I just whack off the oldest ones? juncea, Strelitzia principis, Strelitzia reginae subsp. Strelitzia alba ou augusta : une belle espèce d’aspect très exotique, ici en pot dans les rues de Bormes les Mimosas. This impressive size, and its large fleshy root system, has given S. nicolai a reputation for lifting pavers and destroying walls. Magnifique, elle présente un port en touffe érigée. Genus Strelitzia are evergreen perennials, forming a clump of long-stalked, linear to broadly oblong leaves, with stiff stems bearing beak-like bracts from which strikingly coloured flowers open in succession De Strelitzia houdt van een lichte standplaats. In their native South Africa these are also known as crane flowers, as they resemble the heads of the crowned crane. It’s tall banana-like leaves flutter in the breeze and create a true tropical effect. I mean just look at the size of the specimen at Cloud Gardens! I am completely mystified by the people who rant and rave about how unfair it is that they can't say the word [fill in misogynist, racist, homophobic, or etc. Strelitzia alba : grandes inflorescences blanches au printemps. Only a couple years later, you can see in this photo, it quickly started outgrowing my space. Similar to the pilea peperomioides, 'Giant Whites' are often grouped together to create a fuller look. De cette façon, vous créez également une véritable ambiance de jungle à l'extérieur. En été, le Strelitzia est très approprié pour être placé sur la terrasse. Strelitzia juncea leaves (mature on left, immature on right). Sa hauteur se situe entre 1,5 et 2 m en pot et atteint jusqu’à 10 m en milieu naturel. Strelitzia Nicolai Origine. Because it doesn't. “Strelitzia” - the journey of my “Giant White” Nicolai variety and some cautions. Maybe Nicholas already had the bath towels monogrammed for someone else or something. (left) Leaves of normal Strelitzia reginae. (right, or below) Close-up of Strelitzia reginae leaf.. Strelitzia nicolai leaves. RSA Tree No. The grey-green banana-like leaves grow about 3 ½ to 4 feet in height and the flowers stand above the foliage at the tips of long stalks. It’s really hardy and tolerates hot summers and very mild frosts. Reginae produces yellow blooms and only grow to 6ft where as the aforementioned Nicolai grow to 30ft and adorn white flowers. It’s not hard for flowering plants to stick out in winter, but nothing stands out quite like the bird of paradise plant. Cette plante vivace et au feuillage persistant est originaire d’Afrique du Sud. Also dust and wash the leaves regularly with a soft cloth. Â. It’s also a much smaller plant, growing only to about 1.5m, and it’s slower growing, taking about three years to flower.The flowers are similar in colour to S. reginae, but a bit smaller. Description Strelitzia nicolai. Thanks for the great post! What is the point of demanding the right to say words that are hurtful to complete strangers? Strelitzia reginae: la plus classique, fleurs orange et corolle bleue, 2 m de hauteur ; Strelitzia alba: plante très haute, grandes inflorescences blanches au printemps ; Strelitzia reginae « Humilis »: variété naine (80 cm de haut), idéale en bac, fleurs de cou-leur orange et bleu en hiver et au printemps. For indoors, I would highly recommend going for the less common Reginae as they're much, much smaller and easy to manage if you have enough light. Strelitzia reginae (Bird of Paradise) aka Crane Flower in its native South Africa. The Giant White Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia nicolai) seeds I planted are growing okay. Nan:Well, you probably do donate to the zoo in that case, yes. Le strelitzia nicolai ou oiseau de paradis blanc est une des nombreuses espèces de strelitzia. Why would you want to? Strelitzia is a superb plant that comes from the tropics, boasting simply magnificent flowers and nicely dense leafage. This bird of paradise flower has blue petals and orange sepals (which are the ones that protect the inner flower). The Strelitziaceae family is host to the Strelitzia reginae, which is a well-known South African plant that is identifiable for its striking colours and unique shape. Strelitzia nicolai, the treelike Natal wild banana, grows along SA’s east coast and up into Mozambique. 1 Not that there's anything all that special about European civilization, not exactly. Some species, such as Strelitzia reginae, has been used in traditional medicine to treat diseases caused by bacterial pathogens. Incorporate a humidifier. Strelitzia reginae (Bird of Paradise) aka Crane Flower in its native South Africa. The large Leaves are in 2 opposite vertical rows and are sheathing at the base. Cordyline Fruticosa Varieties, Which really muddies more up than it clarifies: they weren't particularly related to one another, were they? Along edges: even though I find Bird of Paradise to not be as sensitive to humidity, there is a limit to the dryness it can tolerate. Strelitzia nicolai is an erect, evergreen, banana-like plant up to 20 feet (6 m) tall and up to 11 feet (3.3 m) wide, with erect, woody stems. Also sometimes there were mosquitoes. Everybody wins. D’une beauté exceptionnelle, son inflorescence est composée de 4 à 6 fleurs jaune et rouge. The 1.8 m (5 ft 11 in)-long leaves are grey-green and arranged like a fan at the top of the stems, similar to Ravenala madagascariensis. juncea, Strelitzia reginae var. Know also that you'll have to repot them into extra larger and deep pots. 99% of the Bird of Paradise I see for sale in Toronto are the 'Giant White' (Strelitzia nicolai) variety which aren't particularly house-friendly because they grow up to 30ft and can't be pruned to contain its size. These banana-like plants with true stems may be low growing or tree-like. Où le planter ? Strelitzia alba is a rare form of S. nicolai. It is widely cultivated as an ornamental plant and is considered as Queen of the houseplant world, although only Strelitzia Nicolai and Strelitzia Reginae are treated as houseplants. The inflorescence is composed of a dark blue bract, white sepals, and a bluish-purple "tongue". The 1.8 m (5 ft 11 in)-long leaves are grey-green and arranged like a fan at the top of the stems, similar to Ravenala madagascariensis. Most of the Strelitzia spp. Culture du strelitzia: apprivoisez cet oiseau du paradis. Only a couple years later, you can see in this photo, it quickly started outgrowing my space. Know also that you'll have to repot them into extra larger and deep pots. The thoughts, opinions, life choices, etc. Strelitzia reginae is an easy plant to grow in the garden. If you don't have this type of lighting, I suggest possibly incorporating an overhead grow light. S. nicolai produces flowers from spring to late summer; its flowers differ slightly from those of other strelitzia. Description du strelitzia. -Strelitzia nicolai in the laundry room picture used by permission of an anonymous Garden Web photo donor. Re: Strelitzia reginae rusticité Lundi 24.10.2011 17:49 J'en ai gardé un pendant des années mais j'ai arrêté: ça ressemblait à de l'acharnement thérapeutique These are not plants that are going to blend into the wall, off in a corner somewhere: these are plants that you bring inside to make a Statement, the Statement in question usually being a very high-volume "THIS IS A TROPICAL ROOM! A month, sometimes even slower indoors se situe entre 1,5 et 2 m en pot bananier. Gärten als Zierpflanze verwendet concernant certaines feuilles sont à moitié sèches, pouvez- vous me dire pourquoi! Strelitzia moins connu que reginae, avec un développement plus important lui donnant ’! I 'd wait until the end of his reign ( due to the height of two metres and bloom years... Near the end of his reign ( due to the dry climate les Strelitzia appartiennent à la des! 30Cm ; Images are for reference purposes only, as they resemble the heads the! 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