To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient, Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament, The Hawker's Poor Man's Concordance And Dictionary, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, And I entreat thee also, true yoke-fellow -, suzugos- some have understood as a proper name (Syzygus); but the proper import of the word is yoke-fellow, and there is no reason to believe that it is used here to denote a proper name. Unfortunately, some try to argue that the expression "labored with me", infers that these two women were preachers. p. 164. Now, what is that condition but celibacy? 3. [⇑ See verse text ⇑] Paul returns again to the theme of joy in this verse. “I beseech thee, who art a genuine Syzygus (in deed as well as in name) to help,” etc. It is out of the question to join this clause with ἐρωτῶ, as if the request were his and Clement's. They are known to God, and would know that they were appealed to without being named, for they were walking after the apostle’s example, and so would be ready to strive for that unity in the church which he longed to see. "Practically every city of that day maintained a roll or civic register of its citizens, and in that record was entered the name of every child born in the city. Paul’s friend is plainly a man of tact who can do much to bring the Christian women now at variance together again. (Acts 21:13.) Perhaps the most likely supposition is that it may refer to Epaphroditus, the bearer, perhaps the amanuensis, of the Epistle, who had certainly come to help St. Paul to bear his yoke of suffering, and in whose case the sudden address in the second person would cause no ambiguity. Clement of Alexandria, assuming that Paul was married, thinks that he addresses his wife. Christ Himself will publicly acknowledge them as his very own (Matthew 10:32)” (Hendriksen p. 192). . 3 Yes, I ask you also, true companion, # 4:3 Or loyal Syzygus; Greek true yokefellow help these women, who have labored # 4:3 Or strived (see 1:27) side by side with me in the gospel together with Clement and the rest of my fellow workers, # See Luke 10:20 whose names are in the book of life. We see in Paul's writings, that Paul begins and ends his letters with grace. Salmon, Dict. Or else the Greek, "Sunzugus," or "Synzygus," is a proper name: "Who art truly, as thy name means, a yoke-fellow." John Piper Jan 14, 2020 606 Shares Article. Philippians 4:3 Context. that is, let them not be numbered among the elect of God, whom he receives within the limits of his Church and kingdom (220). Another idea suggested by this emblem is experience of divine individualising knowledge and care. to Epaphroditus. The appeal was intelligible by him to whom it was made, and charity (such as he was to use and foster) ‘vaunteth not herself.’. It seems most probable, however, that St. Paul is here speaking to the bishop of the Church, at Philippi. If, on the other hand, a citizen had performed some outstanding exploit deserving of special distinction, honour was bestowed upon him, either by the recording of the deed in the city roll or by his name being encircled in gold (or overlaid in gold) in the roll." PHIL. 1 Timothy 5:17-18): Luke, who perhaps was at Philippi, as his name is not among the salutations; or Silas (Acts 15:40; Acts 16:19, at Philippi); or the chief of the bishops there. And we are urged to pray rightly - which means that in everything we should, 'pray first!' “Help them! Of Clement's colleagues the apostle adds-. This explanation would be favored by the play upon the name Onesimus in the Epistle to Philemon, and is not improbably correct. Both have τομή (the feminine form of the adjective τομός [tomo"], meaning “cutting, sharp”) as their root; the direction of the action of the former is down or off (from κατά, kata), hence the implication of mutilation or … Note what God considers to be important. Philippians 3. St. John Chrysostom (Greek: log. It is a coincidence which marks genuineness, that in this Epistle alone, special instructions are given to women who labored with Paul in the Gospel. Others think that he is speaking to the gaoler [jailer] whom he converted at Philippi. “Yokefellow”: Co-yoked, a colleague. During a recent tour of the Holy Land, Pope Francis was accompanied by Rabbi Abraham Skorka and Muslim leader Omar Abboud. Should any one allege, that Paul therefore acts rashly in usurping to himself the right of pronouncing as to the secrets of God, I answer, that we may in some measure form a judgment from the token by which God manifests his election, but only in so far as our capacity admits. Origen identifies them, saying: "Clement to whom Paul bears Testimony in Philippians 4:3." Philippians 4:3 - Understand the meaning of Philippians 4:3 with Christian Bible study, teaching, sermons, and commentary search on They had been working together to foster greater understanding between … Continue reading "Commentary on Philippians 3:4b-14" Whose names are in the book of life.—For “the Book of Life,” see Daniel 12:1; Revelation 3:5; Revelation 13:8; Revelation 17:8; Revelation 20:12; Revelation 21:27. Eight Ways Paul Encourages Euodia and Syntyche to Come to One Mind Philippians 4:2–3, Part 3. N.T. It then means to be among the living, as the name of an individual would be erased from a catalog when he was deceased. Note on Luke 10:20. Clement—bishop of Rome shortly after the death of Peter and Paul. See Charles R. Smith, "The Book of Life," Grace Theological Journal6:2 (Fall1985):219-30.]. Every Christian needs to be very conscientious about doing their fair share, because it is unfair to another brother or sister to make them assume the full load. Hartung, i. p. 143. Many guesses as to its meaning have been made. . After telling his audience that he’s experienced both poverty and affluence, the Apostle Paul writes these well-known words: “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.”. Let Your Requests Be Made Known to God. So in the NT the book of life is the roster of believers, e.g. Philippians 4:3 - And I intreat thee also, true yokefellow, help those women which laboured with me in the gospel, with Clement also, and with other … Zeltner and Bengel put in a claim for Silas- Estius upholds Timothy-Koehler pleads for Barnabas. Help those women who laboured together with me — Greek, συνηθλησαν μοι, literally, who wrestled, or contended together, with me — The word does not imply preaching, or any thing of that kind, but opposition, danger, and toil, endured for the sake of the gospel. 4:3, where ‘every one who has been enrolled for life in Jerusalem’ refers to natural life, is re-interpreted in the Targum as speaking of ‘eternal life’. Lft[25]. It is a strange conceit of Wieseler (Chronol. The phrase occurs seven times in Revelation. There are many other views of who this person was, all of which, I think, are less probable. Philippians 3. What does Philippians 4:3 mean? And the epithet . But even Calvin, Beza, and Dr. Hammond, expound this of some man that laboured with St. Paul. He was the most eminent of the apostolical fathers. Who Clement was, is unknown. NET ©: Yes, I say also to you, true companion, 1 help them. Most of the ancients say it was Clement of Rome, one of the primitive fathers. 3 Yes, and I ask you, my true companion, help these women since they have contended at my side in the cause of the gospel, along with Clement and the rest of my … The word which Paul makes use of here ( συλλάμβανεσθαι ) means, to take hold of a thing and embrace it along with another person, with the view of giving help (219), Whose names are in the book of life The book of life is the roll of the righteous, who are predestinated to life, as in the writings of Moses. So also Eusebius, Epiphanius, and Jerome. (Philippians 4:3.) Jan 14, 2020. 3:5; ср. Some refer it to St. Luke, who seems to be in the history closely connected with Philippi; others to Lydia, the first-fruits of the gospel in that city. The conception is of God’s record of all those who are striving to serve Him. This chapter is a fitting conclusion for the whole epistle. . A Roman consul, Flavius Clemens, was sentenced to death by Domitian on account of atheism, which was the common pagan designation of Christianity. 1 Therefore, my brethren dearly beloved and longed for, my joy and crown, so stand fast in the Lord, my dearly beloved. The fact that this name has not been found in books, Inscrr[24]., etc., is no argument against its existence. Greek. Others have applied the words to St. Luke, from the language of the Acts, in which the writer employs ‘we’ in the journey from Troas to Philippi (Acts 16:10-17), the drops into the third person, until (Acts 20:5) St. Paul returns through Philippi to go into Asia. Ex. 20:12, 15); this is the book of life of the slaughtered Lamb (Rev. But granting that Paul was married, how came his wife to be at Philippi — a city which we do not read of his entering on more than two occasions, and in which it is probable he never remained so much as two whole months? The identification may stand as not improbable, while the commonness of the name Clemens makes it far from certain. Ezekiel calls it the writing of the house of Israel, and the secret of the Lord; Eze 13:9. Pious women may do much to promote the cause of Christ, and in a way which shall furnish increasing evidence that God has enrolled their names among the heirs of heaven. Again I will say, rejoice! of Bar., xxiv., 1; Henoch, xlvii., 3; 4 Ezra 14:35 and, in N.T., Revelation 3:5. Philippians 4:3 reads: ναὶ ἐρωτῶ καὶ σέ, γνήσιε σύζυγε*, συνλαμβάνου αὐταῖς, αἵτινες ἐν τῷ εὐαγγελίῳ συνήθλησάν μοι μετὰ καὶ Κλήμεντος καὶ τῶν λοιπῶν συνεργῶν μου, ὧν τὰ ὀνόματα ἐν βίβλῳ ζωῆς. Philippians … Perhaps the most likely supposition is that it may refer to Epaphroditus, the bearer, perhaps the amanuensis, of the Epistle, who had certainly come to help St. Paul to bear his yoke of suffering, and in whose case the sudden address in the second person would cause no ambiguity. It is our part to set so high a value upon the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which he confers peculiarly on his elect, that they shall be to us the seals, as it were, of an election which is hid from us. —Probably the chief elder or bishop of the Church is meant, who is asked to. A mind fed by godly wisdom can follow this advice and control that most wild of all members, the tongue. Clement was a common Roman name. The word “laboured” signifies “joined with me in my struggle,” and probably refers to something more than ordinary labour, in the critical times of suffering at Philippi. At the same time there is excessive weakness in the argument of Erasmus, who infers that it is a woman from the circumstance, that mention is made here of other women — as though he did not immediately subjoin the name of Clement in the same connection. ни (см. Clement of Rome is thought to have been born around 35 CE and, if so, could have been a young man at the time Paul wrote his Epistle to the Philippians, in which he mentions a Christian named Clement. App-124. The verb is used of conception, Luke 1:24; arrest, Matthew 26:55; Acts 12:3; catching, as fish, Luke 5:9. The verb is only found again in Philippians 1:27, ‘striving for the faith.’ These women, like the apostle, had entered on the heavenward struggle, and like him were zealous that the Gospel should be spread abroad. More on the NIV. Psalms 69:28; Ezekiel 13:9. Ezekiel 13:9; Daniel 12:1; Revelation 20:12; Revelation 21:27). Philippians 4:3 (NASB) 3 Indeed, true companion, I ask you also to help these women who have shared my struggle in the cause of the gospel, together with Clement also and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the book of life.. 4:3; Rev. 17:8; 20:12). “They exerted themselves and eagerly cooperated” (Muller p. 139). is to be read with the great mass of authorities. Jan 11, 2020. (c) God is said, after the manner of men, to have a book, in which the names of his elect are written, to whom he will give everlasting life. Some connect this Clement with the celebrated bishop of Rome, but others think this cannot be so! Clement was a fellow-worker and his name was written in God"s book of life. If the hand of God records them there who can obliterate them? Others, again, and perhaps with more probability, have applied the words to Epaphroditus, who was to be the bearer of the letter. He grieved when they were slow of heart to learn, reprimanded them when they fell into sin, corrected them when they were lured into error, rejoiced with them as they grew in grace, and instructed them so they would become increasingly mature in the faith. (3) I intreat.—This rendering is too strong. It was not to help them pecuniarily, as Justinian absurdly imagines, but he, whoever he was, was to be a mediator, and to use all his influence with them, so that they should make advances to each other. This inscription of their names shows the certainty of their future happiness, for those names will not be erased. .—It should be, help them (Euodia and Syntyche), inasmuch as they laboured with me. So let’s look into this and find out the true meaning of Philippians 4:13. * [3:12–16] To be taken possession of by Christ does not mean that one has already arrived at perfect spiritual maturity. From that Book the name may be blotted out now (Revelation 3:5; comp. From that Book the name may be blotted out now (Revelation 3:5; comp. sunathleo. In chapter 4, … Help those women which labored with me in the gospel, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers. The pretended reformers, who bring this place to shew that bishops and priests may marry, will they be for living after this manner? Many popish interpreters keenly rebut this opinion, and Bellarmine confronts it with five distinct arguments. Therefore, let"s avoid it or resolve it and get over it, at all cost. This hypothesis has the advantage of singling out an individual and addressing him, but the only plausible argument for it is, that as proper names occur in these verses, this in all likelihood is a proper name too. What we think about will reveal itself in what we say. It is unknown who was intended. But Origen [Commentary, John 1:29] identifies the Clement here with the bishop of Rome. thinks of the husband of one of the women addressed. If they quoted correctly, I would not certainly despise men of such eminence. The name Clement was common, and there is no improbability in supposing that there might have been a preacher of this name in the church at Philippi. Passing to the plain meaning of the term, many give it the rendering of our version-a colleague in labour, either in actual pastoral office, or at least one who had done good service to the church in Philippi, and was so well known as not to require to be named. The Roman catacombs furnish evidence that Christianity had penetrated into the Flavian family, so that there may have been two prominent Christians in Rome of the same name. 2:2 agree in the Lord. gnēsios- means that he was sincere, faithful, worthy of confidence. —A more honourable memorial than a mention by name in this epistle. This is a benediction favorite of Paul's, a common conclusion to Paul’s epistles. The verb contains an idea more intense than that represented by “laboured,” as also in Philippians 1:27. (2) The word is never elsewhere applied by St. Paul to a fellow-Christian, and must denote some peculiar fellowship. 3. History gives no record of the many who helped spread Christianity! ‘Those’ in the Authorised Version makes the woman to be helped other than these two, which is not correct, as is shown by the following relative. Together with Clement. When Paul wrote the First Epistle to the Corinthians, he was, as he mentions, at that time unmarried. I entreat thee also, true yoke-fellow — St. Paul had many fellow- labourers, not many yoke-fellows. are right in their marginal reading of as a proper name. Perhaps all the above names were given to them after Baptism. Good discussions of the subject will be found in Weber, Lehren d. Talmud, pp. He may have been the amanuensis, and the words may represent St. Paul’s direct appeal to him, which he has put down just as it was made, and that he might be able to do so, has left out his name, only giving the affectionate title which the apostle applied to him. Not Synzygus, a proper name: 'Who art truly, as thy name means, a yoke-fellow. Clement— Resident at Philippi at the time referred to, and probably the Clemens Romanus who was afterward bishop of Rome. 2 I entreat Euodia and I entreat Syntyche to # ch. 7, 8. Supposed by some to be Clement the Bishop of Rome. Trench, Synon. = “beseech,” e.g., Luke 14:18. For true, see on naturally, Philippians 2:20. Compare Luke 5:7. 'Cooperate with them' (Birks); or as Alford, 'Help toward their reconciliation.'. Philippians 4:2-5 Euodia and Syntyche. The ναί is preferred to καί on preponderant authority, and is confirmatory in its nature. Cf. At the last judgment everyone not enrolled in the book of life is consigned to the fiery lake (Rev. Cinnamon rolls are one of my favorite desserts. Paul calls upon a loyal servant in the congregation to work to reestablish unity between these two women, reminding him that the two women have been an effective part of a partnership in Gospel ministry in … He was the most eminent of the apostolical fathers. It makes no mention of the supremacy of the See of Peter. “They”: Both of them. And I entreat thee also, true yoke-fellow; μετὰ καὶ κλήμεντος καὶ τῶν λοιπῶν συνεργῶν μου, ἢ ἀδελφόν τινα αὐτῶν ἢ καὶ ἄνδρα μιᾶς αὐτῶν οὕτω καλεῖ, τινὲς δέ φασι ὄνομα ἐκεῖνο κύριον εἶναι τὸ σύζυγε. 2 I beseech Euodias, and beseech Syntyche, that they be of the same mind in the Lord. Sometimes we forget that unity, growth, and all those other good things that can be found in a local congregation are the result of many Christians working hard (Ephesians 4:16). Philippians 4:3 Context. Some connect this Clement with the celebrated bishop of Rome, but others think this cannot be so! ', Help those women - rather [ autais (Greek #846)] 'help them;' namely, Euodias and Syntyche. From their past efforts, their misunderstanding was the more unseemly, and the more necessary it was to heal the breach. The three men embraced each other before the Wailing Wall (or Kotel, the remnant of the ancient wall that once surrounded the Herodian Temple). True yoke-fellow; a person whose name and office are to us unknown. Retail: $19.98. The Only Joy We Never Lose Why Happiness Is Not Optional. He may have been the same who afterwards became bishop of Rome, and whose Epistles to the Corinthians are preserved among the writings of the Apostolic Fathers. 4:8 Finally,210 brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable,211 whatever is righteous, whatever … 2 I beseech Euodias, and beseech Syntyche, that they be of the same mind in the Lord. Winer, § 53, 4. 3. Should this interpretation be adopted, it would follow, as Bengel remarks, that the term denotes a closer union than συνεργός; and it looks as if the person referred to were he to whom the epistle should be first carried, and by whom it should be first read. fellowlabourers. [⇑ See verse text ⇑] In verse 2, Paul asked two women named Euodia and Syntyche to end their disagreement. which laboured with me in the Gospel; not in preaching it, for he suffered not a woman to teach in the church, 1 Timothy 2:12; but by professing it, and bearing reproach and persecution for it; and by supporting and encouraging, and spreading it with their worldly substance: with Clement also; which some think is the same with Clemens Romanus, who was afterwards bishop of Rome, and whose epistle to the Corinthians is still extant; other writings are ascribed to him, but are spurious; however, by his name he seems to be a Roman; and from his being joined with the apostle, as one with whom these women also laboured in the Gospel, he appears to be a preacher of it at Philippi: and with other my fellow labourers; in the work of the ministry, as Timothy, who was with him at Philippi, when he first preached the Gospel there, Acts 16:1, and some others: whose names are in the book of life; the book of God's eternal purposes and decrees, divine predestination to eternal life; and this being called a "book", and the names of persons being said to be in it, denote the love of God to his elect, his care of them, his value for them, his remembrance of them, and the exact knowledge which he has of them; as well as imply, that his eternal election of them is personal and particular, is well known to him, and is sure and unchangeable; being more so than the writing of Pilate on the cross, who said, what I have written, I have written, John 19:22; and is called the "book of life", because those whose names are written in it, have a spiritual life here, and an eternal one hereafter; to both which they are afore written in this book, or pre-ordained in God's counsels, and certainly and infallibly enjoy it: now the apostle's knowledge of these persons being written in this book, did not arise from any special revelation, as being shown the book of life, and the names of the elect in it, when he was caught up into the third heaven, 2 Corinthians 12:2; nor was his knowledge of this matter peculiar and limited to these persons only, but common to all that he had reason to hope and believe had received the grace of God in truth, and walked worthy of the calling wherewith they were called, Ephesians 4:1; such persons in a judgment of charity, which hopes and believes all things, he concluded were in this book of life; and the same judgment, faith, and hope, ought all believers to form and entertain one of another, nothing appearing contrary to it, in their faith and conversation. 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